The Best Strategies For A Quiet Mind.

Keeping a quiet mind can contribute to overall well-being and mental clarity. Here are some strategies that may help: Mindfulness Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation regularly to bring your attention to the present moment. Focus on your breath, bodily sensations, or a specific point of focus to cultivate awareness. Deep Breathing: Engage in deep breathing exercises … Continue reading The Best Strategies For A Quiet Mind.

Why It Is Important To Keep a Quiet Mind.

Keeping the mind quiet is important for several reasons, and it has numerous benefits for overall well-being. Here are some key reasons why cultivating a quiet mind is valuable: Reduced Stress and Anxiety: A quiet mind is less prone to stress and anxiety. Constant mental chatter and overthinking can contribute to heightened stress levels. Quieting … Continue reading Why It Is Important To Keep a Quiet Mind.

How does memory functions and how does it decline with age?

NMCSD Recognizes Traumatic Brain Injury

Memory is a complex cognitive function that involves the encoding, storage, and retrieval of information. It plays a crucial role in our daily lives, allowing us to remember past experiences, learn new things, and make decisions based on our knowledge. Memory can be categorized into several types: Sensory Memory: This is the initial stage of … Continue reading How does memory functions and how does it decline with age?

Having a Quiet Mind

three wooden signage in a tree close up photography

Lao Tzu said, “ Man was meant to sit quietly and discover the truth within” and  Pascal, the great French mathematician of the 17th century wrote, “ All of man’s problems could be solved if he could just learn to sit alone in a room with himself for an hour” The mind is a chatter machine. There … Continue reading Having a Quiet Mind

7 Simple Ways To Increase Your IQ

According to researches on the brain done all over the world,  there are hundreds of ways a person can boost their mental faculties. Here  are a few simple steps which you can start using right now, that will help to increase your intelligence quotient . Use mind calming techniques such as deep breathing and good … Continue reading 7 Simple Ways To Increase Your IQ


Saya cuba mecari terjemahaan untuk perkataan ‘mindset’dalam internet tetapi saya hampa. Saya ingin menulis mengenai mindset sekarang dan saya tidak ingin menunggu sehingga saya sampai ke perpustakaan ataupun kedai buku untuk mendapatkan kamus dan mencari terjemahanya. Jadi saya akan gunakan perkataan ini dalam bahasa asalnya Mindset atau cara kita berfikir adalah penting. Mindset kita akan … Continue reading Mindset