To have a great career you must consistently do a great job. And doing a great job requires you to have the necessary technical skills required for the job. That is important. It is non-negotiable. You cannot expect to do a job let alone a great job without the required skills. Identify the gap in … Continue reading Having a Great Career.
Month: September 2020
Investing For The Fifty Somethings.
I often get asked by friends who are at their late forties and early fifties what is the best way to invest in the capital market. Before getting into that, here are few things that you must know. There are numerous asset classes—or, to put it simply, investment "categories." The three main assets classes are: … Continue reading Investing For The Fifty Somethings.
10 Traits of Successful People.
This article appeared a few years ago in Investor’s Business Daily on what makes people successful. IBD spent years analyzing leaders and successful people in all walks of life and put together a list of the ten traits which, when combined, can turn dreams into reality: How you think is everything. Always be positive. Think success, … Continue reading 10 Traits of Successful People.
Why You Need an Emergency Fund.
One of the important items that you must have in your personal financing plan is an emergency fund. As the name suggests, it is a fund that is to be used when you are facing an emergency. It is recommended that you have between 6 to 24 months of your monthly income as your emergency … Continue reading Why You Need an Emergency Fund.