Not saving enough for emergencies or retirement. Living beyond their means and accumulating too much debt. Not having a budget or financial plan. Not investing for the long-term. Chasing high-risk investments without fully understanding the potential consequences. Not diversifying their portfolio. Not protecting their assets with insurance. Not regularly reviewing and adjusting their financial plan. … Continue reading The Ten Mistakes Most People Make When It Comes to Managing Their Finances.
Tag: money
Retirement Series -Meet The Number One Enemy
Inflation. Inflation is a measure of the rate at which the overall price level of goods and services in an economy is rising. It is typically measured using a basket of commonly purchased items, such as food, housing, and energy, and is represented as a percentage change over a period of time, usually a year. … Continue reading Retirement Series -Meet The Number One Enemy
The Importance of Saving and Why Many Are Not Doing It.
Saving money is an important aspect of personal finance and financial planning. Some of the key benefits of saving money include: Building an emergency fund: Having a savings account specifically for emergency expenses can help protect you from financial hardship in case of unexpected events such as job loss, medical expenses, or car repairs. Achieving … Continue reading The Importance of Saving and Why Many Are Not Doing It.
Personal Cash Flow.
Many troubles in life can be attributed to not being prepared. A brief glimpse to history provides ample proof of this. And looking through the same history books, one will notice that victory doesn’t belong to the strongest, or the smartest or the biggest. It always belongs to the most prepared. Success always favours those … Continue reading Personal Cash Flow.
Overspending Will Hurt You and Get You Into Financial Trouble
It’s a common scenario. We walk into a store to get one simple thing, and end up leaving with two bags bulging full of whatever caught our fancy. And we do this many times over. Overspending is the number one reason people get into financial mess. In the case of compulsive overspending, the problem is … Continue reading Overspending Will Hurt You and Get You Into Financial Trouble
Budgeting in 5 Simple Steps
This is really easy but many don't do it. They rather watch funny cat videos and photos of other people's dinner.It takes responsibility and perseverance and just like exercising, you see the pay off later.Here are the 5 steps. 1. Know your real income - do not leave anything out including tax refunds and bonuses. … Continue reading Budgeting in 5 Simple Steps
What I Must Know First In Investing.
If you are new to investing or thinking of getting your money to work for you there are few things you must first define. Investment Goals Investing is not the same as saving. It is also not a get rick quick scheme. You must define what is the purpose that you are investing for? Retirement, … Continue reading What I Must Know First In Investing.
You Want To Be Rich ? Think Differently
“The very rich, are different from you and me.” ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald Steve Siebold, who spent nearly three decades talking to millionaires around the globe to find out what separates them from everyone else and author of " How Rich People Think" listed 21 ways rich people think differently from the rest of us. … Continue reading You Want To Be Rich ? Think Differently