50 Most Common Biases

  1. Confirmation bias
  2. Anchoring bias
  3. Availability heuristic
  4. Representativeness heuristic
  5. Self-serving bias
  6. Halo effect
  7. Hindsight bias
  8. False consensus effect
  9. Negativity bias
  10. Optimism bias
  11. Sunk cost fallacy
  12. Gambler’s fallacy
  13. Base rate fallacy
  14. False dilemma
  15. Just-world bias
  16. Illusory superiority
  17. False uniqueness effect
  18. Egocentric bias
  19. Actor-observer bias
  20. False memory
  21. Illusory correlation
  22. Mere-exposure effect
  23. Backfire effect
  24. Ostrich effect
  25. Pareidolia
  26. Bandwagon effect
  27. False-cause fallacy
  28. Self-fulfilling prophecy
  29. In-group bias
  30. Out-group bias
  31. Social desirability bias
  32. Recency bias
  33. Placebo effect
  34. Dunning-Kruger effect
  35. Availability cascade
  36. Clustering illusion
  37. Observer-expectancy effect
  38. Self-handicapping
  39. Choice-supportive bias
  40. Negativity bias
  41. Selective perception
  42. Illusory transparency
  43. Regression to the mean
  44. Superstition
  45. Forer effect
  46. Self-verification bias
  47. Self-deception
  48. Post-purchase rationalization
  49. Self-esteem bias
  50. False-consensus effect.